Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Derrick Rose Honored as NBA's Youngest MVP

The Chicago-born had a excellent third season with the chicago bulls, averaging 25 points, 7.7 assists and 4.1 rebounds. After a summer with the U.S. National team, Rose made a significant leap.

During the Bulls' media day in September, Rose wondered aloud in front of the media why he couldn't win the MVP award. Now Rose he has answered his own question and won the MVP
Here are some words of the N.1 Most Valuable player of 2010/2011"Back in training camp when I said I wanted to be MVP, I wasn't trying to be cocky at all,"
"I knew that I put a lot of hard work in over the summer in the offseason, and I just wanted to push myself."

A valuable example of results  do not come overnight, wherever who we are. It is Hard work blended with Consistency. And Hope with That come faith, persistence, perseverance all that tough stuff. The Fresh&Clean team of HeartsWithMinds do that as much as You And we encourage everybody to get to work Now to reach their DREAM. 

You doing a Phenomenal Job Just stay on course, Here's The Speech of the Chicago very own Below :

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